National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF Ranking)
The institute Ramireddy Subbarami Reddy Engineering College prepared and submitted the data for National Institute Ranking Framework (NIRF) under the Institute ID: IR-O-C-26852.
The Data was uploaded in the NIRF portal in three various disciplines viz. Overall, Engineering and Management respectively. The institute highlights its ability in arranging/conducting the workshops. In addition to this, the faculty details are also uploaded. The institute adheres to the central norms on budget, capital and operational expenditure, faculty allocation on academic activities and resources are mentioned as special accomplishments in NIRF data submission.
The institute showed its distinctiveness in engineering discipline. Financial resources were utilized for updating the library, purchase of new equipment for the laboratories and conducting workshops. In addition to this, the institute updated the faculty details as per statutory norms.
In the latest submission, the institute highlighted on the new section of NIRF Viz. ONLINE EDUCATION through Video Lectures in ICT MODE. In future, the institute plans to focus on the sections of NIRF namely, accreditation and research in the upcoming NIRF submission. Steps were initiated to accomplish the same.